Fundamentally rethinking & reshaping our business

Poet & Scribe
2 min readJan 19, 2023


A line-drawn illustrated smartphone screen with the article title, Fundamentally rethinking and reshaping our business, by Jonathan and Sandra, that takes one to two minutes to read/or listen to.

2022’s end-of-year reflections has led us to rethink & reshape Poet & Scribe, fundamentally, as a business. We want a business that plays to our strengths, aligns with our values, and has service at its heart. So, we’re pivoting Poet & Scribe to facilitate that goal: to be helpers in your story.

Now the question is: what are y’all pivoting to?

We’ll be focusing on coaching & consulting services, allowing design and development to become an additional, support service, if there’s a need.

🫀 Our coaching services focus on helping individual contributors (IC’s) transition into managers, managers into leaders, and supporting leaders in their goals.

🧠 Our consulting services focus on helping businesses building sustainably as they start & scale, creating more equitable & inclusive practices, and providing advice & research from our own decades of experience.

We’ve been working on our first business consulting proposal since pivoting at the beginning of the year, now translating into Spanish, so our website doesn’t yet represent our change.

Priorities! hah.

We feel — in both our hearts and minds — that this change will allow us to be more focused, more clear, and ultimately: serve our clients more fully & healthily. We hold ourselves to providing high quality services that not only add value but we believe in.

With this change, we will. We do.

If you’re curious or have questions about our services, please ask!

If you know someone in your network could benefit from our services, let us know or link us up with them!



Poet & Scribe

Business Documentation for Scale-Ups. We Document; You Innovate.